How to... therapy

      Dr. Albina often hears "my last therapist told me to stop thinking negatively, but the therapist never told me 'how to' do that."

      The objective of her short-term therapy is to supply workable, realistic ways for you to learn exactly "how to" change your thinking and behavior patterns so that you can manage your problems more effectively. This is called brief, cognitive behavioral psychotherapy.

The focus is NOT on what was and why,
but on what is and what can be...

      In conventional psychotherapy, the root cause of a problem is sought through lengthy and expensive analysis. Often this insight never changes anything in a person's life. In fact, it often cements the person in their pathology. Dr. Albina's therapy addresses present situations, symptoms and provide solutions how to overcome these symptoms. While respecting a person's history, the focus is on the solution, not the cause or source of a problem.


The focus is on learning

      How to... psychotherapy builds a foundation on your pre-existing strengths, emphasizing your positive traits. By learning new ideas and different ways of behaving, you find and implement clear steps that will help you to change your life for the better. Dr. Albina expands the positive and lessens the negative. Finding a balance in life is often the goal.

      Change focused psychotherapy produces positive results in a remarkably short period of time, saving patients the expense of many sessions as well as the emotional anguish and dependency often associated with conventional psychotherapy.

Who I Work With

       I work with individuals from 12 years and up to any age. If I am seeing an adolescent I must work with the family to some extent. I also work with couples and entire families.

Where I Work

      I believe the environment we are in, creates an atmosphere that has a notable effect upon the way we feel. I designed my office to be warm and safe, calming and beautiful .